Benton Harbor High School

Class of 1970

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Anyone have any good news!!



BHHS Class of 1970 beauties gather for a sunset cruise!
L~R June Bowman, Connie Wright, Kay Koern, Kay Schultz Soper,
Thea Chambers, Beth Wright, Jane Vitantonio, Joann Klug




Committee for the 40th Class Reunion is:

Don Gruntman
Sandra Schneck Johnson
Dorothy Parker
Lila Megna
Kim Fowler
Marie Catania Ridenour
Marie Guardino Arend
Vickie Gruelich Sanders
Jim Heeter
Judy Barchalk-Shirley
Randy Anderson web volunteer






Alumni Party at Babes on October 17th, 2009

hi there,
we have finalized our plans for the party on October 17th. 7 p.m. untl ???.    We are just calling it the Class of 1970 night at Babes.    We will have TV notification on WNDU and an ad in the paper.   I have printed on poster size paper the names of each missing classmate including the names of the postcards that were returned to us.    We plan to post that in  Babes hoping we have as fairly good turnout and they will be able to help us locate a few more.  We had aproximately 55 postcards returned, not bad out of 430 that were sent out!!
Can you send out an email to all "good" email addresses letthing them know about the Oct 17th  event?  I know that many won't be able to attend, but anyone who is close might drive in!
Let me know what you think. 
That's about all we discussed at our last meeting.  Except talking about the gift to classmates, and then talked a little more about the extra activities.  We have Renaldo Tripplet arranging for the band and Drum major to give us a show for the BHHS tour.   Working out plans for the wine tour, and golf outing. 
Probably too many at the meeting, and it seems hard to really get alot acomplished.  (too many converstations going on.)
Let me know if you can do the e- mailing. 

HOpe you're doing well!!




BHHS CLASS OF 70 REUNION MEETING                                                       July 28TH 1P.M.

Hi Don,
I think we discussed briefly last weekend, or I discussed with Judy after the meeting , the fact that I think that we should plan to meet "formally" maybe every other month? At least until January 2010.  We have tackled all the "big rocks " (decisions) such as:
Location:   Lake Michigan Hills
DJ:  Anthony Catania
Date:  July 31, 2010
Activities:  BHHS tour, Wine tasting, Golf
Greeters:  Charles Mitchell, Debbie Schneck, and Cathy Lee Schneck  (all three confirmed)
Gift for Classmates:  Picture frame (w/ BHHS class of 70 inscribed)
We will continue to search for "missing classmates" list .  I will send that out to all email addresses, or send it to Randy, as he may have an email loop created already. 
We still want to plan a Class of 70 evening for October.  Maybe the 10th or the 17th???
We don't have to decide the menu until a month or so before the reunion. 
I will check w/ Randy and post current and final reunion information to Classmates.
You and John Street are working on downloading yearbook Senior Pictures to be printed for name badges.
Can you think of anything else we need to decide before January?
We, you all, can still meet monthly if you like to of course! 
HOpe you have a great week!   If you agree you can forward to the rest of the planning committee, and post next date for Reunion planning meeting for September 26th (we can discuss "class of 70 night" at Babes) at that meeting.  and arrange newspaper ad for the event a few weeks before.
Let me know what you think ! 
Talk to you soon!
Decorations, invitations, reunion program, and rest can be discussed in October to  January meetings.


BHHS CLASS OF 70 REUNION MEETING                                                       JUNE 27TH 1P.M.


In attendance:  Don Gruntman, Sandy Johnson, Jerry Mitchell, John Street, Judy Barchalk, Loretta Tisdale, Dee Parker, Nancy Morton, Vicky Grulick, Lila Megna.

May 23rd Meeting attendees:  Don Gruntman, Sandy Johnson, Jerry Mitchell, Angie Skale, Nancy Morton, Faye Jordon, Dee Parker, Judy Barchalk, John Street.

Postcards were addressed at the meeting on May 23rd, and finalized at the meeting on June 27th. 

We had lunch at Lake Michigan Hills (our Reunion location) and viewed the banquet location.,  A deposit was put down to hold our date of July 31st, 2010. 

Food was discussed, but not finalized .  We have until July 17th  2010 to finalize that decision.   Angie Skale McGowan is going to call and discuss  cake  as our desert with Debbie Lerke who has provided that for past reunions.  Debbie formerly worked for Bit of Swiss bakery and all committee members were happy with that decision.

We determined the cost of the reunion to be $45.00 if paid by the 1st of June 2010,  $50.00 if paid by the 1st Of July, and $55.00 at the door.   Late entry fee was also discussed. 

We discussed ticket takers and greeters for the reunion .  Volunteers so far have been Charles Mitchell,  Debbie Schneck, and Cathy Lee Schneck.  Other names that came up were Steve Duran. 

There was discussion surrounding an 09 summer /early fall... Class of 1970 gathering at Babes. We will select a date at our next meeting and combine that with a newspaper advertisement, and Faye Jordan is looking into Chanel 16 news station to put out a free reminder on the day of the event.  We are hoping to start the excitement for the reunion  and gather other addresses for missing classmates. 

Other conversation revolved around classmate gifts,  group photographer,  and other considerations such as decorations, reunion program,  and invitation with questionnaire. 

Once again we discussed the extra activities such as our BHHS tour, wine tasting tour, and golf outing with an approximate tee time of 8a.m. on Saturday morning.

Sandy will send out an updated “missing classmates” list to all committee members as we continue to locate all on our list.

Committee members have agreed to pay their Reunion fee in advance to build our bank, as our account has been depleted with the down payment of the  hall and to pay for stamps and postcards.

Our next meeting will be held on July 25th at North Shore Inn at 1p.m.

Once again, we had a great  time!  It was great to see everyone. Thanks to everyone for their participation and great ideas!!


Sandy Schneck Johnson

zosh1 zosh2


Steve and Sherry Zoschke

Sherry and I have been team truck drivers with Covenant Transport for 8 years. We moved to Globe AZ in '05 and love it. We bought a Liberty Tax service 2 years ago and hope to make a profit on it one day. It's actually a beautiful store in Mesa. We get dedicated loads now so we get home on most weekends. Sherry loves to here me play my 12 string Yamaha and I sing at church. We love our community and you'll have to stop by and visit if you ever get out this way. Lots of history including local Indian ruins and Cliff Duelings. Rafting and boating is also nearby. We love kayaking but so far have only had time to do it on the Saint Joe River on our visits to mom and dads. (Brother Paul is avid kayaker-see his Facebook).

We have 17 grand children, the newest from my daughter, the rest from Sherry's 4 kids. They mostly live in So. Cal with her son in Charleston, S.C. and a daughter in Boise. I'll gradually get them up on "Facebook," so take a look.

Thanks for working on the reunion. Did you know Bill Winans is back in Kalamazoo? Of course, he is still playing.

Steven Zoschke

40th Class Reunion Update!



Meeting Summary 3/28/09

BHHS Reunion Planning Meeting
Northshore Inn,  March 28, 2009

IN ATTENDANCE:  Kim Fowler, John Street (birthday boy), Sandy Johnson (birthday girl), Dee Parker, Loretta Tisdale, Judy Bartchalk, Jim Heeter, Doug First, Marie Catania

GUESTS:  Faye Jordon, Gloria Spiker, Sonya Martin….a great surprise!


Sandy brought copies of proposed post card to be sent to classmates.  Post card was approved, and we decided to have the cards ready to be mailed by next meeting which will be held on April 25th.  Same time….same bat channel.

The committee was able to locate several “missing” classmates, which have been sent to Randy Anderson.

Discussion was brought up around the use of other venues to locate remaining missing classmates.  We discussed the possibility of using Mail Max and Trade Lines to stuff with information regarding the planned reunion.    Judy and John were going to check into the price of an insert from our group. 
We were trying to weigh the pros and cons of doing this, and one consideration was how many would be wasted by having inserts fall out, not read, etc.   We decided to check into the price , just in case it was “cheap” .
We are still planning on running an AD in the newspaper in the future.
We discussed and agreed that it would be fun to  advertise a “Class of 1970” night at Babes or Paulies THIS summer.  We felt that it would build excitement for the reunion next year, help us locate other classmates, and in general start the “chatter” as it were.   We would advertise the event in the newspaper along with street signs in front of the chosen location….not to mention e-mail and word of mouth.  WE decided to plan this for this coming August 2009.  Date to be determined by the end of May.
John Street will check with the courthouse to see if any of our “missing” classmates are listed as “deceased”
So far at this meeting we have determined that  Anthony Evans and LeRoy Jackson  are sadly deceased.
The committee decided to have our music done by Tony Catania.  At a cost of $300 less than Mr. Poole, we decided to go that route.  Marie Catania will secure our date and price with Dale Owens.
Sandy Johnson will bring brochures for the next meeting to choose a “give away” gift for the reunion.  Some thoughts and suggestions so far have been picture frames, filled w/ post card, computer mouse pads w/ BHHS logo.  After seeing what is available and the cost we will decide on the gift at a later date

After the meeting the majority of us went to Paulies to “check out”   (right…) the bar for a potential meeting place for our summer “Class of 1970” party, set for sometime in August 09.   It was a good time,  and it was so nice to see Faye  and Gloria …hopefully they will join us often since they are so close…!

Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting,  and for all the great ideas  that were thrown out there.   

See you all next month.





Meeting Summary 2/28/09

Meeting Minutes Sandy Schneck Johnson

BHHS CLASS OF 1970 REUNION PLANNING MEETING    FEB. 28TH 2009                                                
Don Gruntman,  Sandy Johnson, John Street, Lila Megna, Dan Heeter, Doug First, Loretta Tisdale, Kim Fowler, Vicky Grulick.

Visitors:  Ted Ruwe (visiting from Florida) and Karl Johnson (visiting from South Bend, IN)

Final Determinations:
Reunion Location:  Lake Michigan Hills Country Club
Date:  July 31st. 2010
Pre Party Gathering @ Babes (Friday,  July 30th)

Group Discussion
Music:     DJ  >  Catania vs Poole.  Lila is going to check prices for Poole.  We have the cost for Catania (thank you Marie! )  We hope to finalize that at our next meeting.
Activities:  We had more discussion regarding other activities for the Reunion.  Don Gruntman will be checking into the cost for a golf outing.  Doug First has a relative who works for Lemon Creek Winery and, he will be checking into a tour for Saturday afternoon.  There was also discussion from the group on putting together a picnic on the beach for Sunday Aug 1st with hotdogs and such.  Kim Fowler is going to be in charge of a tour of BHHS as another activity choice for Saturday .
Sandy will develop a postcard with the help of the other committee members to be sent out in the next month or so.  Our goal is to send these to addresses we do have in hopes that they will help us find classmates we are still struggling to locate.  We are also going to list some of the activities on the post card and ask for feedback regarding interest.  We will include a couple e-mail addresses for them to respond to.  We will include the “Forum” link as well in hopes to increase our membership there.  Our goal is to have the post cards and address labels ready for our next meeting on March 28th.
The committee also reviewed the “missing” classmates list.  Several of us thought we could find a number of them, so that was good news!  Until our next meeting, we will continue to confirm addresses, and locate others!  There was a lot of work done for the 35th which has helped immensely!  It’s a time consuming process, and I personally know that our other classmates appreciate all the work we are doing to put this together.  I get the feeling from talking with them that they are excited about this reunion!  GOOD SIGN !!!
More discussion about finding our teachers!  We put together a few names of teachers we know are still around and will contact them to get others!  Sandy will reach out to BHHS and teachers and gather this list.
Teachers we do know are still in the area are:

Paul Kussey
Mr.  Breem
Maurice Schneck  (Owatonna, MN)
Barbara Vogel  ( Illinois)
Becky  Doan
Bela Lindenfeld  
Bob Lane
(We’ll find the rest!!!!)

That’s all for now!  Keep checking the Forum …even just to say HI!!   Once again, a lot of laughs….and on a personal note (since I’m typing the notes…I get to make one…lol!)  Even though this involves work… I’m having a blast doing this and love having the opportunity to connect with old and new HS friends! I’m looking forward to next summer. 
P.S. Pictures from the meeting to follow!


40th Class Reunion Update!
Meeting Summary 1/31/09



Class of 1970 BHHS class reunion planning meeting

*No. 1 Priority….find our classmates !!!!!  (We divided the master list between each of us and will work to get current information and find those missing by our next meeting.)

*No. 2 Priority…. Pick a date!       Our decision is…….August 21st.  6p.m. until?

*No. 3 priority…. Choose location     (Lake Michigan Hills) vs. (The Livery) we will check availability and   make final decision at the Feb. 28th meeting.

                                                       PANEL DISCUSSION

Poll for interest in combining St. Joe and BHHS night before party:     Don Gruntman will post a poll in BHHS forum regarding this issue.

 We met with David Knight and discussed his thoughts regarding combining the” night before party”.  He also talked about ideas regarding ways to find our classmates such as using a search engine that you pay for.  Kim Fowler has the capability to do some of this, but will have to limit the number due to the cost.  We felt that as each of complete our page (s) by our next meeting, we would then compile a list of those we have still not located and take that next step by joining a 24 hour on line service such as “People Search”.    


Entertainment:   Randy Poole?   D.J.  Anthony Catania?   (We will get price quotes on services)

Photographer:  Greg Rizzo, David Knight  (We will get price quotes on services)

NEWS LETTER TO CLASSMATES in the next few months mail a newsletter or questionnaire to get their feedback regarding ideas such as choosing a THEME (we could perhaps make it a contest and someone would win a prize or be able to attend dinner at no cost).   We would like to know if the majority would like a buffet dinner, or start a little later and provide heavy appetizers and / or finger food all night.  Our classmates would also give feedback on ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE, (vineyard tours/wine tasting at local winery’s, fishing, golf outing, BHHS tour, brunch on the beach (morning of/after) etc. or suggest other ideas.

NOTE FROM 30TH:  Classmates want time to mingle and talk!  We want to make sure that significant time is planned for this>





We will develop a more detailed list of “who’s doing what” as we move on.   As we all agreed, our priority in the next couple months is finding our classmates.  We’re all working on that!


Due to resources available we have decided the following:

Lila Megna:  Cost, location, and availability of reunion location.

Kim Fowler:  Hotel information/ transportation (if needed)

Sandy Johnson:    Printing / paper


Next Meeting:   Feb. 28, 2009     @    Northshore Inn.    1p.m.  (hopefully everyone will be able to make it, we missed those who couldn’t attend!)


There was a lot of excitement at the table, and so many thoughts flying around!  It’s going to be a great party/reunion.   For me personally, it was great to connect with former classmates after all these years! 

Randy, we missed you, (maybe we can pull you into the meeting via web meetings for the next meeting (I’ll work on that)


Sandy Johnson









Anyone interested in participating in the BHHS 1970 40th class reunion contact Don Gruntman

Classmates In The News:
Steve VanAntwerp and his family are moving to Orlando Florida in 2001.

    The BHHS class of 70 web site has been a valuable tool in the organization and dissemination of information regarding our class. We would like to see the site grow in content and we welcome any class-related information to be posted to the site. If there is an idea any of you have that you feel would make the site more interesting please let us know. This web site is YOUR website and we would love to keep it going!



    The great part is classmates such as myself; Mike Podjan, Glenn Poczik or anyone else that would like to volunteer, would take care of the webmaster tasks. Please consider our situation classmates, there are many of us out there and we need just a few sponsors and our entire class will benefit! We need your help! If anyone would like to solicit other BHHS classes for web sites within our domain please feel free. This could help offset our costs to run the site. Other classes coming on board would be IE:, you get the idea.
    Let us know your thoughts on this please by email or message board.

    Randy Anderson,

    BHHS site volunteer

    • Don Gruntman 30th Reunion Committee
    • Marie Guardino Arend is handling all the financial documentation.30th Reunion Committee
    • Marie Catania Ridenour 30th Reunion Committee
    • Lila Megna 30th Reunion Committee
    • Kim Fowler 30th Reunion Committee
    • Randy Anderson BHHS website webmaster,30th Reunion Committee
      A Picture of Your 30th reunion committee

      Reunion Committee Picture 7/15/2000

      Everyone has been helpful in locating and providing updates on our classmates addresses. This directory will be an ongoing effort to keep addresses updated. The address update/add is linked on the classmates page. Please review this list for accuracy of your information. If you have information on any other classmate please submit it to us so we can update the directory. Please review
      Missing Classmates for those we have no address or email on.

    Marie Guardino Arend
    Class Treasurer
    Status report: $576.00 (What we have in the reunion account). We have had this account for 30 plus years at First Resource Federal Credit Union.


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